Homestretch Kajiado Campaigns

ByLook Up Tv Reporter
Published on: Dec 02, 2022 02:12
Homestretch Kajiado Campaigns

As the campaigns get to homestretch towards the 9th August Polls, Azimio One Kenya coalition candidates in Kajiado County have pitched tents in urban centres targeting the  immigrants’ swing  votes.

The populous Ngong, Ong’ata Rongai, Kiserian, Kitengela and Isinya towns are currently live with high volatile campaigns from all the four gubernatorial candidates.

Azimio brigade led by Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku who is eyeing his second term in office on ODM ticket has been conducting estate to estate campaigns wooing voters to support Raila Odinga presidency.

While campaigning in Kitengela, Governor Lenku took a swipe at the Kenya Kwanza coalition saying they lack an agenda for the youth.

Lenku said it is an insult to educate the youth then instead of helping them to embrace technology they are promised backward support coined in a narrative to mislead them.

He further exuded confidence Azimio la Umoja One Kenya will bag most of the elective seats in forthcoming election urging his supporters to come out in large numbers to vote for Azimio affiliated candidates.

The Maa spokesperson also reached out to Kajiado residents to observe political tolerance, unity and peace on election day and thereafter.

Jubilee party former Kajiado governor David Nkedianye, Katoo Ole Metito (UDA) and Ambrose Kago  (Independent) are also  eyeing the Kajiado gubernatorial seat.

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