Herman Manyora: This is the Real Raila

ByLamech Aungo
Published on: Jan 31, 2023 04:01
President William Ruto, Azimio leader Raila Odinga and Political analyst Herman Manyora. Photo|File

According to Prof Herman Manyora, a political analyst, Ruto is now facing the real Raila of 80s the and 90s. While many including President Ruto believe that they know Raila, they are far from reality.

It is evident that Raila has struggled to create a different image of himself since 2013. This was to please western powers and the Kenyan business community who have for far too long viewed Raila as a threat to their interests. Manyora says that this has not come to fruition instead Raila lost his critical foot soldiers in trying to please these powers.

Manyora says that Raila badly needed these powers in the 2022 general election but they deserted him at the hour of need. Raila, his brother Uhuru who was the commander-in-chief then and a few unfaithful political soldiers were left in total dismay as these powers swayed everything in favour of their favourite, William Ruto.

Be as it may, Raila is not taking it easy. Over the past one month, Raila has managed to ignite the country into full blast high political temperatures. Manyora says that some demands Raila is making are unrealistic. In his view, Raila is only tossing the game too high. "Demands like the commonwealth and UN experts to audit the 2022 general elections are unrealistic. This is because these are not boys that you can dictate to come in two weeks in any case Kenya is a sovereign state," says Manyora. The effect of these unwarranted  demands is to make it difficult for Ruto and his mouthy deputy to rule the country and surrender powers to the will of people as Raila calls it.

‘’Raila’s language and that of his troops like the iron lady Martha Karua is so bold and determined. At one point during their political rally in Jacaranda over the weekend Karua said ‘’ you are born once and you die once’’. According to Manyora, Ruto is now dealing with the real Raila and the real Martha Karua. These are men who have nothing to lose but who are imbued with firm purpose and solid commitment to achieve whatever their goals,’’Says Manyora.

Manyora also observed the complete revival and reformation of Raila’s security. He likened it to Raila’s security of the 90s where ‘’Men in black’’ were common in any event before Raila arrived. They were all around with walkie talkies ‘sniffing’ and scaring everyone.

Manyora also observed that Raila entertained youthful and reckless talk by people like Bunge la Wananchi president Calvince Gaucho and others. The youths spoke boldly to already charged crowd that they are ready to do whatever it takes to bring down Ruto’s administration

‘’It is now clear that Raila is back into his trenches and Ruto is now facing The Real Raila.It is hard to wish Raila away more especially from the dance floor. The Boy is there to stay and he knows the right time to exit the stage after all amidst the crisis, Raila dances best. As for now the music on and we are being treated to all manner of dancing styles some which are only known by Raila in this case’’ says Manyora

Finally Manyora expresses fear that foreign powers may take advantage of the political crisis and harm the country. He observed that large economies like China whose businessmen are being chased away by Ruto’s administration may not take it easy and may want to interfere with Kenyan politics to protect their interests and to remain relevant before otherwise competing for global powers.

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