Harambee Stars Game Plan to 2030 Fifa World Cup

ByDebra Natasha
Published on: Dec 14, 2022 12:12
A picture of some of the players after scoring |Photo Courtesy of Futaa.com


The desire for Kenya to take part in the Fifa World Cup for the first time is stronger than ever as a blueprint is drafted.

The plan calls for establishing a grassroots football development program in which the federal government would work closely with local governments to make significant investments in young football. The government will soon launch a nationwide competition to support the development of regional talent, the president announced.

The nation's dedication to this challenging objective has been demonstrated by a number of audacious actions performed in recent weeks.

In order to bring Kenyan football to the necessary levels of competition, President William Ruto initiated a vigorous effort. The Head of State laid forth a comprehensive plan to advance grassroots soccer in the nation while speaking at Nyayo Stadium during the Jamhuri Day festivities.

The goal of all these initiatives is to get Kenya to the 2030 World Cup. The nation's decision to embark on a course that will lead the Harambee Stars to the most coveted international football competition is really promising. The government's goal includes setting up the necessary conditions for Kenya to host the Africa Cup of Nations in 2027.

Additionally, every effort must be taken to reposition domestic football and turn it into a lucrative industry. In a nation where many believe it does not pay well enough to be pursued as a career, it has become challenging to take football seriously. But if the president's emotions are put into practice, everything is about to change.

Ababu Namwamba, the Cabinet Secretary for Sports, has previously emphasized the government's desire for all federations to adhere to the Sports Act. This will guarantee that the Federations' operations stay in line with general goals. All of the goals that the government has established for sports are sure to be accelerated by such action.

Selfish football officials who prioritize personal aims over those of the country have consistently obstructed the dream of the nation to compete on a global scale.

For many Kenyan players who still struggle with extreme poverty despite their efforts to put food on the table through sports, the development is a comfort.





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