Guliye: We went into hiding immediately after Election results

BySimba Kiage
Published on: Jan 23, 2023 01:01
Former IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati and Former IEBC commissioner Abdi Guliye. Photo|Courtesy

Professor Abdi Guliye had revealed that he went into hiding immediately after the results of the 9th August election were released.

Facing lawyer Donald Korir today during the cross examination of the IEBC officials, professor Guliye had difficulty in explaining the details of a supposed meeting that happened among the commissioners at a Nairobi Hotel at three in the morning.

Answering Korir’s question if he knew of the plan of the four commissioners led by Cherera to disagree with the result,Professor Guliye revealed that the move from the four commissioners came as a surprise as they were assembling to deliver the results at the Bomas of Kenya.

Guliye further indicated that he was certain all the commissioners for IEBC attended the meeting and took a defensive approach and was asked to specifically state if Justus Nyang’anya was also present at the meeting.

Professor Guliye took the same approach when questioned if he remembered anything from the details of the meeting, adding that a lot was said among the commissioners which he couldn’t recoup for the commission.

The commission was formed after four IEBC commissioners disagreed with the results released by immediate former IEBC commissioner Wafula Chebukati

Upon receiving the petition from the Parliament, the President will either suspend the commissioner(s) being questioned pending the outcome of the complaint or appoint a tribunal that will probe the member.



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