Governor Mwangaza Pleads Not Guilty On All Charges

ByBrian Kamau
Published on: Dec 27, 2022 01:12
Governor Kawira Mwangaza at the senate with her lawyers. | Photo Courtesy|

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has denied all allegations leveled against her. The Besieged Meru Governor has appeared before the Special Senate committee that started the hearing of the impeachment motion Tuesday morning. Senator Boni Khalwale who is chairing the committee has assured the public that the committee is up to the task and will deliver on its mandate to the satisfaction of all the parties. Governor Mwangaza arrived at the committee accompanied by her lawyers who promised to mount a strong defense.

“The special committee hereby restates its commitment to ensuring a fair and just process that is founded on the law. The special committee in making this decision just be guided by the law and by the evidence that shall be adduced by the parties at the opening of the hearings. All honorable Senators and parties to this matter to desist from discussing this matter while it is still active before the committee and allow the legal and constitutional process to take their course.” Chair Special Senate Committee Boni Khalwale said.

Charges against Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza are Nepotism, illegal appointments, unlawful dismissals and usurpation of the constitutional and statutory functions of county organs, Incitement, bullying, vilification and misleading campaigns against other leaders, Forceful entry into the Assembly precincts and mobilization of unlawful riots against members of the assembly, Violation of Public Finance Management Laws and, Misconduct relating to the nomination of County Executive Committee Members.

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