Government To Admit All Learners Who Sat The 2022 KCPE

ByCecilia Lubanga
Published on: Jan 17, 2023 11:01
Form One Students Reporting To School | Photo Courtesy.

The Education cabinet secretary Ezekiel Machogu on Monday while releasing the form one placement results at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), assured parents that all the learners will proceed to Form One in line with the Government’s 100 percent transition policy.

According to Machogu, 18,794 female and 20,178 male students who sat for the KCPE examinations have been admitted to National Schools.

In a rejoinder, National Parents Association chairman Silas Obuhatsa pressed the Ministry of Education to ensure students are not placed in schools they never selected.

“Sending children to far-flung schools they never chose also needs to end,” he said.

The government has not changed Form One placement criteria, which banks on merit, equity and choice. This means parents will still scramble for prime slots at national schools.

The soft-spoken CS added that the selection exercise that was conducted by the Ministry of Education, Kenya National Examinations Council and the ICT Authority, was done in good time to give parents adequate time to prepare for their children’s admission.

Public Secondary school fees for 2023 are capped at Sh53,554 for national schools and Sh40,555 for county schools and the government will pay Ksh22,244 for each secondary school student.

According to Machogu, new form one student are expected to report between the 6th to 13th of February.

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