Government Crackdown On Illicit Drugs Ahead Of Festivals

ByBrian Kamau
Published on: Dec 20, 2022 12:12
The National Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Administration of Government Prof. Kithure Kindiki. Photo Courtesy

The Government has vowed to mute down the sale of illicit alcohol and sexual abuse targeting children ahead of the festive season. Measures used to carb this menace have already been put into place as the Government declared a nationwide crackdown on counterfeit alcoholic drinks and drugs. The exercise which is being coordinated by the Ministry of Interior and National Administration will involve the National Police Service, the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (N.A.C.A.D.A), the Ministry of Health, Kenya Revenue Authority, Kenya Bureau of Standards, Anti-Counterfeit Authority and County Governments.

The National Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Administration of Government Prof. Kithure Kindiki also swore to clamp down on the distribution and sale of these illicit and adulterated alcohol by vendors who are trying to benefit from the large demand typically witnessed during this time of the year. The crackdown will only target illicit alcohol and drugs while protecting licensed and legitimate businesses trading in alcoholic beverages.

Speaking on Tuesday when the State launched its Road Safety initiative for the December holidays, CS Kindiki emphasized that the selling of dope is a crime and persons found guilty of doing so will be dealt with accordingly in line with the law.

“It is during this time of the year that many of our citizens go into merry making and I want to highlight two issues that we are very concerned about and we will be very vigilant to ensure that we reign on these two issues which are related to the season we are getting into.” Said CS Kithure Kindiki.

In addition, the CS did not forget about the rising cases of abuse targeting children while stating that his Ministry will work closely with National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs), across the 47 counties, to identify child predators and bring them to book before they can take advantage of innocent children.

"I have directed all the NGAOs and nyumba kumi officials to go out of their way to make sure that during this season we do not have our children abused through sexual exploitation and through exposure to alcohol and drugs.” CS Kindiki stated

He also added that his Ministry and the Government will not tolerate drunk driving on Kenyan roads.

“The government takes road safety and enforcement of the law collectively. Drink and drive at your own peril.” The CS added.


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