Former Cabinet Minister Maina Wanjigi Passes Away at the age of 92

BySonia Njiru
Published on: Jun 28, 2024 03:06
Photo of Maina Wanjigi || Courtesy of The Standard

Maina Wanjigi, former Minister and father to politician Jimmy Wanjigi, has passed away at the age of 92 while receiving treatment at the Nairobi Hospital.

As the family comes to terms with their loss, Jimmy Wanjigi has not yet publicly commented on his father’s death.

Maina Wanjigi was widely respected for his contributions to various sectors, including business and politics.

He served as a Cabinet Minister and a legislator in the Moi government and held various ministerial positions, including Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Tourism and Wildlife, where his leadership significantly impacted Kenya’s growth and development.

Maina was also the brains behind the Kwacha Group of Companies involved in international trade and development.

He was also a recipient of the Elder of the Golden Heart of Kenya award which is conferred to statesmen. 

Some of his achievements include; developing the expansive open-air Gikomba Market in Kamukunji Constituency during his tenure as Member of Parliament. He was also instrumental in establishing the jua kali business sector in Shauri Moyo.

During first president Jomo Kenyatta’s era, Maina was involved in settling thousands of landless citizens in his role as the Director of Settlement.

In 1973, he advocated for free primary education in Kenya, in a striking address in Parliament, a vision that would only be fully implemented thirty years later.

In Daniel Moi’s regime he served as the chairman of Kenya Airways in 1979 before receiving a cabinet position as the Minister for Tourism and Wildlife four years later. 

Maina entered opposition politics and joined Kenneth Matiba’s Ford Asili group, where they tried but failed to remove Moi from power in the 1992 General Election.

Later, he led the Kenya National Congress party as a third-party candidate trying to reconnect with the people, but he couldn't overcome the dominance of KANU and the Ford party.

After leaving politics, he served as director of Carbacid Investment for 48 years before retiring in 2018.

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