Flirting with Kenya Kwanza Will not be Tolerated, Azimio “Traitors” Told.

ByBrian Amwai
Published on: Feb 10, 2023 07:02
Raila Odinga || Photo Courtesy

The Azimio la Umoja one Kenya Coalition has continued to castigate those leaders that are perceived as traitors for going to bed with the government in the name of searching for development.

In its 13-point resolution after a two-day parliamentary group meeting, the coalition noted that it will not tolerate betrayal from its members, especially at this time when they are involved in a struggle for democracy.

“We note we are currently engaged in a just struggle for this nation; a struggle for a good standard of living, a struggle for democracy and a struggle to safeguard our hard-won multi-party-political system that is under threat.

In this struggle, we shall not tolerate acts that amount to a betrayal of the dreams and aspirations of the people of Kenya.” The statement read in part.

The coalition party went ahead to ask its elected leaders to either shape up or ship out saying there is no middle ground.

’’The flirtations and co-habitations with the Kenya Kwanza regime under whatever pretext is totally unacceptable. Development is to be sought from Parliament which appropriates resources and not from the State House.” Read the statement.

The coalition stressed that the State House has no constitutional mandate or power to appropriate funds. And that the mandate and power reside in the two houses of Parliament; Senate and National Assembly.

The party called on its people not to succumb to the blackmail, dirty politics and dirty money being dished out by the regime that is struggling for legitimacy.

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