Finally!! Baby Sagini’s Justice

ByPheona Kenga
Published on: Feb 02, 2023 01:02
Photo| Courtesy

The Kisii law court has today amended charges of baby Junior Sagini whose eyes were gouged out December last year.

The charges were amended from attempted murder to grievous bodily harm.

Hilary Kaino the court prosecutor applied for the amendment of charges which were accepted by the court.

The 3 accused persons are Alex Maina Ochogo, Pacifica Nyakerario who is Ochogo’s mother, and Rachael Mayieka Nyakerario who is Ochogo’s sister in law, are the major suspects in baby Sagini case.

The suspects appeared before Senior Resident magistrate (SRM) Christine Ogweno.

The court appointed Kerosi Ondieki and Violet Moguche to represent the 3 accused suspects.

 Hearing of the case will start on 24th February, 2023.


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