Eight Killed, 1500 Families Displaced in Samburu

BySammy Adika
Published on: Mar 03, 2023 05:03
Photo| Courtesy

As cases of insecurity continue intensifying in parts of Northern Kenya, over one thousand five hundred families have been displaced in Samburu West constituency, Samburu County. Eight residents have been reported dead as five primary schools in Lolkera, Pura, Sepei, Loibornkare and Lkeek Sapuki close down.

According to the county governor Lati Lelelit, the county residents are being attacked by the same group of bandits who have been invading Elgeyo Marakwet, Turkana and Baringo counties.

The governor has however urged the national government through the ministry of interior to move with speed and flash out the group from Malaso valley in Samburu County where he claims they are hiding the stolen livestock.

Loosuk ward area MCA Felix Kaunda has expressed dissatisfaction with the efforts the government is putting on ending banditry in the county as residents have started migrating to other counties yet the KDF troops are present in the county.

Michael Lenamparasio, a Lolkera resident has however vowed not to move from his ancestral land as he has started practicing farming since keeping livestock has become much more risky.

“…sisi tuko na title deed na sisi ni farmers, hatuna bunduki tuko na jembe na rungu, haja ya hawa watu ni ardhi...” 

Peris Lekutukai who claims she was attacked by bandits from Pokot was forced to leave her homestead and now she is left nursing bullet injuries and unable to feed her children.

 John Learus has also claimed that the area is becoming far much disserted and there is need for the government to restore normalcy.

A section of Samburu west, Lorroki and Malaso areas are among places under dusk-to-dawn curfew as the military intensify their operation to restore peace in the area.

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