Doctors' Strike Called Off After Striking A Deal With The Government

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: May 08, 2024 10:05
Health Cabinet Secretary, Susan Nakhumicha and KMPDU Secretary General Davji Atellah . Photo| Courtesy

The doctors' strike has been called off following the agreement reached between the Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) and the Government.

This development arises from a court order mandating the striking doctors to reach an agreement with the state on a return-to-work formula within 48 hours.

Addressing the Press, KMPDU Secretary General Davji Atellah officially declared the conclusion of the doctors' strike, after signing a return-to-work agreement, thereby bringing an end to the 56-day strike.

"We had a long meeting today with the National Advisory Council which is the highest decision-making organ and they endorsed that we sign this return-to-work formula today so that it can pave the way for doctors to return to work within 24 hours from now," he said.

"That means the strike that began on March 13, has been called off."

In his statement, Atellah stated that they have decided to engage with the state to reach a final agreement, particularly on the crucial matter regarding doctor interns which is yet to be resolved.

Sec-Gen Atellah emphasized that the doctor interns will experience a slight delay, as this adjustment was necessitated by the union's desire for immediate posting of doctors' interns as per the CBA, while the government insisted on awaiting court litigation before finalizing the agreement.

“All the doctor interns will have to wait a little bit longer, we have agreed on sixty days that they will not be posted but we will be having conversations on this issue,” he stated.

He went on to assure all doctors that the union will consistently strive to safeguard the rights of workers outlined in the CBA.

The Doctors had been on strike since March 14, causing a halt in service provision across all public health facilities.

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