Demands of Kenyan Mau Mau Fighters Ahead of King Charles III's Visit To Kenya

ByCynthia Achieng'
Published on: Oct 31, 2023 12:10
Mau Mau Fighters. Photo Courtesy

Gitu wa Kahengeri was tortured and jailed more than 60 years ago the anti-colonial fighter says justice is yet to be served.

Gitu has aired his push for an apology from the British government and compensation for the pain and torture he underwent more than 6 decades ago ahead of King Charles III's four-day visit to Kenya.

Gitu left school as a teenager after arguing with the principal over his resistance to the colonial rule in Kenya and then later joined the Mau Mau rebels.

 During an interview with the press, Gitu said that they were fighting for their freedom because the settlers had taken all their fertile land and made it their own.

 A few months after the Mau Mau rebellion kicked off in 1952, The British Prime minister declared a state of emergency paving the way for a series f severe measures.

More than 10,000 people were confined in camps without trial where reports of torture and executions were common.

A year into the executions and the torture, Gitu and his father were arrested and sent to the remote islands of the Indian Ocean.

Gitu said that they had left their children at home suffering from not having anything to eat and no proper medical care.

"We are not begging, we are asking for our rights," Gitu said. He also mentioned that none of the governments have taken care of the freedom fighters in Kenya as they deserved.

In 2007, the government unveiled the statue of a top Mau Mau leader Dedan Kimathi in Nairobi, half a century after his execution by colonial authorities. It is however not recorded in any books or history where the legend died or was buried.

Gitu concluded that it is a great loss to have lost the good health and education of our children and in the end still lost our recognition.

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