CS Kindiki Warns Azimio Over Rallies Saying They will face the full force of the Law

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Feb 06, 2023 05:02
Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithuri Kindiki. Photo|Courtsey

Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithuri Kindiki has issued a stern warning to Azimio leader Raila Odinga on the ongoing demonstrations.

Speaking at Harambee House on Monday 6, CS Kindiki warned Raila Odinga and the Azimio Brigade not to defy the law or else they will be dealt with by the law enforcers.

“Politicians come from various sectors, some of them from the opposition, but my business is to hear from them, what they think we can do to make our country safe, period. As to their politics, they can go and do it elsewhere. Some of them are doing demonstrations, I have no business with that, I don't care. But on one condition, they keep law and order,” Kindiki stated.

He noted that politicians have the right to hold demonstrations however if they are a threat to security then that won’t be tolerated.

“The day they will try to break the law, breach the peace, incite public disorder, that is the day the full weight of the ministry of Interior will come on them. They can do rallies so long as they don't disrupt businesses, don't insult,” he said.

Kindiki made reference to President Ruto's remarks on his ministry's separation from politics and focus on helping Kenyans as a whole.

“You've heard the president himself say that he doesn't want the support of security agencies to do politics and he has enough supporters and leaders elected on his party who will help him transact his politics,” he said.

Kithuri Kindiki vowed to be ruthless to any politician or leader who would cause harm or unrest in the nation for political or commercial reasons.

“Therefore, if any leader of whatever political formation is implicated in hurting our country for political or commercial reasons, I have made it clear in my consultations with them that we will be ruthless with them.”

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