Cholera Outbreak in Machakos Causes the Death of Six People

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Mar 16, 2023 07:03
Machakos Health executive Daniel Yumbya speaking to the media. Photo| Courtesy

The number of cholera deaths reported in Machakos county as of 6th March 2023 now stands at six.

This was revealed yesterday by Machakos Health CEC Daniel Yumbya, who said out of the six, three were from Mavoko Sub-county, with 1 death being recorded in Matungulu as Kangundo sub-county recorded two.

Mavoko has recorded the highest number of Cholera cases since the outbreak this month, recording forty-six (46) out of the fifty-one (51) cases recorded in the County in a span of one week.

Due to this, the CEC disclosed that the ban on hawking of food in the streets of Athi River town following the outbreak last week is still in force.

Yumbya noted that his department is pleased that no new cases are reported in the area as he hinted the ban could be lifted over the weekend after a review.

"The efforts made by a county multi-agency team have borne fruits, and I want to thank all those who participated in measures to check the spread of the disease," said the minister. 

He encouraged Kenyans in the affected areas to continue observing high standards of hygiene and ensure they immediately report suspected cases to the nearest health facilities for action.

The minister assured residents that there are enough drugs to treat cholera victims, adding "we are committed to ensuring the safety of our people during these very critical times".


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