Chebukati Threatens To Sue Odinga, Gives Him 7 days to Respond

ByBrian Amwai
Published on: Jan 31, 2023 07:01
Former IEBC Chair Wafula Chebukati and Azimio Leader Raila Odinga. Photo|Courtesy

Former IEBC chair Wafula Chebukati has denied ever meeting Azimio Leader Raila Odinga as alleged by Odinga in a public rally at Jacaranda grounds on Sunday.

In a letter written to Odinga through Saroni and Stevens Advocates, Chebukati has threatened to take legal action against Mr Odinga for the allegations that the former paid the latter a visit during the electioneering period to solicit for a bribe in order to rule in Mr Odinga’s favour.

The allegations, Mr Chebukati has termed as false and malicious. The letter reads in part.

“Our client reacted with shock and consternation at your allegation—which you know too well to be false and malicious. Our Client is aggrieved that the said allegation has the unconstitutional purpose and effect of lowering his dignity, and injuring his reputation among the right-minded persons in society,”

The publication continues to read.

“In response to your allegations, our Client vehemently denies your allegation that he met you during the election year, let alone the election period, and in particular, at your house as alleged by yourself.”

Chebukati has now dared Odinga to Provide the said footage.

“Our instructions are to demand from you, as of right, which we hereby do, to be furnished with the alleged video footage within seven days from the date hereof. 

Kindly take notice that if we do not receive the video footage demanded here in above within the Demand Period, we shall be constrained to institute appropriate adverse but lawful proceedings against you.”

Mr. Chebukati and the two other commissioners Abdi Guliye and Boya Molu have been accused by Mr. Odinga of bidding on the presidency with Mr. Odinga dared the three to tell Kenyans what they were doing at his home.

Odinga threatened to release the footage.

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