Chebukati: “I Leave IEBC Happy; I Gave it My Best”

ByEdwin John Mukora
Published on: Jan 16, 2023 04:01
IEBC Chair Wafula Chebukati during the PEE report launch. Photo|Courtesy

Outgoing Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission chairperson Wafula Chebukati has said that he leaves the electoral commission content that he gave it his best in the six years at the helm.

“I exit content that we gave our best to this commission, we charted and weathered storms that threatened the existence of the commission,’’ Chebukati said. 

During his tenure, the embattled chair oversaw two general elections and also presided over the 2017 repeat presidential election.

Chebukati spoke during the launch of the post-election evaluation report for the august 9th general elections in Nairobi, where he also said that the commissioners were under pressure to deliver a credible election. 

Chebukati took office at the electoral body on January 18th, 2018. 

Chebukati underscored his achievements which include the 2022 general elections which he has termed as successful after the bangled 2017 elections which was nullified by the supreme court saying that transparency was the game changer in the 2022 elections. 

Chebukati has said the 2022 elections' mode of transparency and allowing different people to tally the results should continue in the coming elections.

Some of the achievements Chebukati highlighted include setting up election offices in all 47 counties, developing policy manuals and standard operating operations that assisted in systems management and proposing some election bills in parliament. 

The chairperson said the events at the Bomas of Kenya were attempts to subvert the will of the people. He called on the president to form a commission of inquiry. 

The term of chairperson Wafula Chebukati and commissioner Boya Molu and Abdi Guliye comes to an end on 17th January 2022. 


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