Chants To Impeach Governor Mwangaza Yet Again

ByDebra Natasha
Published on: Dec 14, 2022 10:12
In picture Meru Governor Mwangaza |Photo Courtesy of

The Meru MCAs were spotted dancing and singing "kaende kaende" in a video that has gone viral.

Prior to a discussion on the impeachment motion brought out by Governor Kawira Mwangaza, Meru MCAs gathered and sang outside the Meru legislature.

This comes after the MCAs resurrected a previous motion of impeachment against Governor Mwangaza.

They want her out for allegedly engaging in severe misconduct, appointing her husband to a government position, and firing county officers.

On November 30, the Meru court had barred her impeachment motion because, according to Justice Wamae, it had not followed the correct protocol for launching an attempt to remove her from office.

Wamae asserted that the court has a unique authority to address potential violations before they occur. "I'm guided by the principle that a party, such as a petitioner, is not required to suffer illegality or breach of her rights and resultant injustice on the solace that her grievance would be remedy either by the Assembly or the Senate," she said.

This then led to her ruling; "Upon considering the application and preliminary objection and after hearing the presentations of the council, this court finds that the procedure adopted by the respondent to process the proposed motion of impeachment is flawed and has the effect of violating her constitutional rights.”

Murega Baichu, Mwangaza's husband, was named as the patron of the Meru Youth Service as he was appointed by the governor herself.      

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