Celebrities, Politicians Join Kenyans in Mourning Fred Omondi

ByJacob Ochiro
Published on: Jun 15, 2024 03:06
Photo of The Late Fred Omondi Performing in a Past Event || Courtesy of The Standard

Comedian Fred Omondi was confirmed dead today after he was involved in a road accident along Kangundo Road. Kenyan celebrities and politicians have since been sending their condolence messages.

Through her X account, Former Nominated Senator Millicent Omanga has said that the creative industry has lost a gem. “Fred Omondi brightened our living rooms with his addictive comedy renditions. I commiserate with his family friends and his fans. May his soul find perfect peace.

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko said that he prays for comfort and strength for the Omondi family. He added; “The late Fred Omondi was an MC and event organizer during my daughter's graduation party. He did a tremendous job by bringing on board top artists, dancers, and gospel singers to entertain our guests.”

Mseto East Africa show host Willy M. Tuva posted on his X account saying; “Umekuwa rafiki na familia ya Mseto. Tutakukosa sana. Tumebaki na kumbukumbu na uchungu mwingi sana.

Daniel Ndambuki alias Churchill posted on his X account saying; “Rest easy Freddy. That driver who hit you and ran away, I hope He/She will find it in their heart to come out and apologize and console the family.

Trans Nzoia Senator Allan Chesang condoled with Fred Omondi’s family saying “I am truly devastated to hear about the death of Fred Omondi. A friend who was so talented, with grit and determination”

Saboti Mp Caleb Amisi said “It is with great sorrow that we mourn the tragic loss of Fred Omondi, a cherished comedian and brother to Eric Omondi. Kenya has lost a true legend today.”

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