Bring Unga Down to Ksh. 70, Azimio Tells Ruto in their 13 Point Resolutions after 2-day Meeting.

ByBrian Amwai
Published on: Feb 10, 2023 06:02
Raila Odinga at a rally ||Photo Courtesy

The Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition held a two-day parliamentary group meeting in Athi River, Machakos County. The meeting was intended to review the state of the nation which they say is in bad shape all because of the Kenya Kwanza government. 

Among key issues of discussion were the high cost of living that continues to elicit debate in the country, the confusion in the education sector with the junior high school transition among others

After deliberating for two days before embarking on the campaign trail . the Azimio parliamentary Group resolved that

1.    The PG restates the position that Azimio does not recognize Dr. William Ruto as the legitimate President of the Republic of Kenya.

2.    Azimio reiterates that it will not participate in the reconstitution of IEBC through the formula and process being proposed by the Kenya Kwanza regime.

3.    That the Kenya Kwanza administration has put Kenyans in an existential struggle for survival with the cost of basic necessities of becoming untenable. This trend must be resisted and reversed and Azimio has resolved to provide the leadership needed to achieve this.

4.    That Kenya Kwanza be made to immediately embark on steps to reverse the huge tax burden it continues to impose on the people of Kenya that has seen taxes make up more than half of the price of goods and more than half of the people’s income.

5.    Azimio has resolved that the Kenya Kwanza administration must be forced to take steps to bring down the cost of goods and services and in addition also increase the minimum wage to keep it above inflation.

6.    With Azimio providing leadership, Kenya Kwanza was forced to restore and expand the social protection programs which guarantee a basic monthly income to the poor.

7.    With Azimio providing leadership, Kenyans mobilize and oppose plans to sell off state-run parastatals. These entities, some of which are critical to our nation's security, must be allowed to continue serving the public good rather than lining the pockets of individuals. Further, these parastatals are public property and cannot be sold without Parliamentary approval. The current attempt to amend the law so that these parastatals are sold at the whim of the administration will be resisted by the people of Kenya.

8.    On Education, we have resolved that the Kenya Kwanza administration be compelled to resume free education and to return the subsidies and bursaries that have always been available for all Kenyan children.

9.    That the Kenya Kwanza regime is compelled to immediately address the confusion, the chaos and the mounting expenses and demands surrounding the implementation of the Junior High School program. Azimio pays tribute to the late Prof George Magoha whom we lay to rest tomorrow for his passion, vision and resolve that is now missing. Had this administration let Prof Magoha stay, we are sure we would not have witnessed the confusion we see today. Tomorrow, members of the administration will flock to Gem to voice hypocritical and false praise to the late professor yet they refused to allow him to finish his work of implanting the new education system and instead elevated politics above the interests of the children of Kenya.


10. We have taken note of the suffering of university and college students and we demand that the Kenya Kwanza administration immediately release all pending HELB funds to help ease the suffering of students. Azimio notes that inflation has wiped out the purchasing power of the current allowances given to university students and demands that the administration must also increase the amount available under HELB in light of the inflation. In addition, to end the destitution prevailing in our campuses, the Kenya Kwanza administration must be forced to restore the old catering services in all public universities to enable all students to access to decent meals. Open the kitchens to enable students to live in dignity.

11. That the Kenya Kwanza administration immediately releases monies to the counties to enable devolved units to offer services that are critical to our people at these very difficult times. Azimio supports the formula put up by the Council of Governors. We also support calls for the full transfer of devolved functions including water, health and agriculture to the counties with immediate effect. We note that over 4000 doctors are currently unemployed yet Kenyans cannot get the health services they deserve. Kenya Kwanza must immediately make it possible for county governments to employ these doctors as part of the process to achieve UHC.

12.  That the Kenya Kwanza regime must immediately stop all lies and release the NG-CDF and NGAF monies to all constituencies to help ease the burden of people for whom these funds are a lifeline. Twice the regime has promised to release the money but failed to keep its word.

13. Finally, we note we are currently engaged in a just struggle for this nation; a struggle for a good standard of living, a struggle for democracy and a struggle to safeguard our hard-won multi-party-political system that is under threat. In this struggle, we shall not tolerate acts that amount to a betrayal of the dreams and aspirations of the people of Kenya. Azimio, therefore, asks its elected leaders to shape up or ship out. There will be no two ways about this. The flirtations and co-habitations with the Kenya Kwanza regime under whatever pretext are totally unacceptable. Development is to be sought from Parliament which appropriates resources and not from the State House. The State House has no constitutional mandate or power to appropriate funds. That mandate and power reside in the two houses of Parliament; Senate and National Assembly. Our people must not succumb to the blackmail, dirty politics and dirty money being dished out by the regime that is struggling for legitimacy.


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