Agony, Displeasure As Machakos University Close Indefinitely

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Dec 07, 2022 04:12
Anti-riot police in action at Machakos University. | Photo Courtesy

Machakos University's main campus closed until further notice after students protest early Wednesday. This was spiked with cases of insecurity and the shooting of a student on Tuesday.

In a memo on Wednesday, December 7, the university's Vice-chancellor Lucy Irungu ordered all students to vacate the Machakos-based institution with immediate effect.

The decision was reached during a special meeting convened on Wednesday morning, where the board resolved to close down the varsity due to the rise of insecurity.

"Due to the evolving insecurity situation around the University and the ongoing students' demonstrations, a Special Meeting convened on 7th December 2022 resolved that in the interest of the Security of Staff and Students, the University be closed with immediate effect," the memo read in part.

"This is, therefore, to inform all students to vacate the university premises with immediate effect.
Further communication will be made in due course." Lucy Irungu stated.

The university is to remain closed till further communication as to the resumption of learning will be communicated.

The protest is said to have begun on Monday, December 5, after a student attacked by thugs died on Sunday while receiving treatment at the Kenyatta National Hospital.

The students returned to the streets on Wednesday after a student allegedly shot by the police during the Monday demonstrations passed on.

Police officer linked to the death of Brilliant Anusu has been arrested.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) confirmed that investigations are ongoing to nail other officers believed to have misused their guns during the operation to quell the riots.

The demonstrations are ongoing.

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