A Kakamega MCA Stabbed to Death in A Fight with MP

ByEdgar Wabwire
Published on: Apr 01, 2023 02:04
The late Kisa East MCA Stephen Maloba at a past event. Photo Courtesy

Stephen Maloba, the MCA for Kisa East, passed away on Saturday, April 1, according to Kakamega's deputy governor, Ayub Savula.

At Farouk Kibet's thanksgiving ceremony, Savula spoke to the locals of Malava, Kakamega. He claimed that the MCA was killed by a local MP after an altercation with the latter.

Maloba, who was elected on a KANU ticket, died as a result of a brawl between the two camps' supporters.

"We wish we could stay longer, but we are unable to. Sorry about that. Recently, an MCA in the Khwisero Constituency passed away he was stabbed after a confrontation broke out between two camps, his and that of an MP." Savula claimed.

The MCA was murdered, according to Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale, because of political indifference.

"That news ruined my good mood, which I had been in. The day they killed the young man, he had breakfast at my house. He was supposed to run on UDA, but instead, he joined KANU and won."

“They murdered him. "I'm going to comfort them rather than stir up more commotion.” Khalwale continued.

The senator and the deputy governor made it known that they would attend the funeral with Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa.

When Lookup Digital published this article, the police hadn't yet released a preliminary report on the incident.

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