22-Year Old Man Throws Father in A Pit

ByNahwi Hussein
Published on: Jan 27, 2023 02:01
Courtesy of LookUp Tv

A 60-year-old man is now admitted at Longisa county Referral Hospital after his 22-year-old son threw him down a 20-foot-deep pit after a land dispute in Emitiot village, Bomet county

The old man went missing for 2 days and on the third day he screamed after hearing voices of passers by who came to his rescue. He was then rushed to hospital with injuries on his back.

According to Leny Ngeno the assistance chief of Emitiot sub-location the suspect  Charles Kiplangat Rotich, was arrested after returning home at night thinking his father had passed on.

As soon as he entered the compound, Longisa police officers pounced on him and is currently being held at the Longisa police station.

According to reports the suspect became furious after his  father declined to let him sell a piece of family land

"We are glad   that it didn't rain during the time the old man was inside the pit. The story could have been different, it's not easy for a man of his age to spend two nights in a cold place considering he did not eat for that period," added the chief.

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