2022 KCPE Performance

ByGrace Kyalo
Published on: Dec 21, 2022 04:12
KCPE Candidates at the Moi Nyeri Complex Primary School. | Photo Courtesy: Kenyans.co.

Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams were taken by 1, 233,852 people in total, according to Education CS Ezekiel Machogu. This year's top candidate received 431 out of 500 points.

At least 9,443 candidates this year received scores of 400 or higher, while 307,756 students—or 24% of the applicants—had scores of 300 to 399. 619 593 students earned grades between 200 and 199. The remaining 296 336 students received between 100 and 199 out of 500, while 724 students received between 1 and 99.

According to Machogu, there were 612,887 candidates who were female and 620,965 who were male, making up 50.32 percent of all candidates. This, according to the CS, demonstrated that gender parity had been attained in the nation's primary schools.

Seven students with exceptional needs received scores between 400 and 500, while 296 students with special needs received scores between 300 and 399. The scores of 838 students with special needs ranged from 200 to 299 points. Six students with special needs received between 1 and 99, while 1,270 other students received between 100 and 199.

English, Kiswahili, and sign language were the three languages in which female candidates outperformed male candidates in the 2022 KCPE. In math, science, social studies, and religion, male candidates outperformed female applicants. This year, male candidates outnumbered female candidates in four counties. They are Mandera, Garissa, Turkana, and Wajir.

Candidates from more female than male counties entered, especially in Marsabit, Isiolo, and Meru. Approximately 147 candidates took the test while being treated in a hospital. In comparison to the KCPE in 2021, four papers this year showed improved performance. They are Sign language, English, Kiswahili, and Kiswahili Insha.

The Education CS also stated that six papers—including English composition, math, science, social studies, and religious education—saw a decline in performance from 2021 to 2022. The percentage of candidates who were 12 years old or younger who had registered decreased from 33,627 (2.74%) in 2021 to 31,498 (2.53%) in 2022. Baringo, Wajir, Kericho, Bomet, and West Pokot counties had the largest percentage of candidates who were 12 years old or younger that entered the election.

The majority of candidates, according to Machogu, were between the ages of 13 and 15, which is the suitable range. This pattern has persisted over the previous five years. Garissa, Turkana, Kilifi, Kwale, and Mandera counties had the largest percentage of candidates who were 18 years of age or older.

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